
How to Fit a Dressage Saddle

Ensuring both you and your horse are safe and comfortable on a ride should be high on your list of priorities each time you saddle up. It’s easy to make mistakes though. Sometimes a piece of equipment that feels right for you, could be causing your horse discomfort and hindering its performance. Other times, a specific saddle may look great on the horse but gives you a much more inconsistent ride. Especially if you plan to jump sometimes and stick...

horses in a field

Keeping Your Horse Cool and Healthy During Summer

As an equestrian, the long summer days offer an incredible opportunity to spend more quality time with your horse. However, the higher temperatures can also present challenges as horses are sensitive to the heat. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to keep your horse cool in summer while also considering other seasonal issues like summer mud fever in horses and the nuances of clipping horses in summer.

Preparing Your Horse for the Summer Heat

The allure of the summer sun often urges...

combo rug

Prepare Your Horse For Winter

Caring for a horse means you have to be ready for all weather conditions. When the temperature starts to fall, you should be prepared with the proper gear, supplies and accessories to keep your horse healthy and happy during the winter months.

Water and Food

Your horse’s dietary needs can increase during the colder months, especially as food digestion is a primary source of warmth. Food for Health and Warmth. Use quality forage, combined with grain, as recommended by an equine nutritionist to...

Horse and Rider Road Crossing Sign

Should Horse Riders Take Road Tests?

There’s plenty you need to do before taking your horse out on the road, including making sure your tack is all fitting correctly, but it turns out the general public believe riders should have to do a lot more before they become road legal.

Drivers demand proficiency test for horse riders

According to a recent survey undertaken by a national car leasing company, 94% of drivers believe that horse riders should have to sit a proficiency test – much like a...

horse in sunset

Mindfulness for Your Horse Riding Experience

How Can Mindfulness Enhance Your Horse Riding Experience?

Horses have long been known to be incredibly sensitive creatures, capable of recognising a great deal more than we can fully comprehend. A horse’s gentle nature seems to blend seamlessly with mindfulness and why mindful approaches are commonly used within the equestrian world. The cohesive relationship of mindfulness with horses continues to grow in popularity among horse riders, as more people are discovering the benefits for both the rider and the horse.

What is Mindfulness with...

Beautiful Arabian horse silhouette against morning sun shining t

Microchipping Guernsey Horses ‘Could be Compulsory’

Horses in Guernsey could soon have to be microchipped so they can be easily found at all times, even if their riders don’t have their feet in their stirrups. David Chamberlain, States vet, is now working alongside the Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to see if these proposals are viable, the BBC reports, in an attempt to help control the number of stray horses on the island The rules will also apply to cats living...

wild horses

Horse Manure Used To Heat Homes?

Here’s something you might not have thought about when cleaning your horse’s stable rug – their manure could soon be used to heat homes in Finland, a move that could well reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels. According to news source YLE, energy group Fortum is currently developing a biofuel featuring horse manure, with tests on the fuel appearing to be positive thus far. The country’s government is calling for horse manure to be increasingly used as an energy source, with the material soon...

horse looking out stable

Essential Tips for Mucking Out Your Horse!

Essential Tips for Mucking Out Your Horse!

You need to make sure your horse’s stall is clean to prevent the risk of infection or disease. It is particularly important to keep their feeding area clean. Next time you get back from your ride, after you put away your Saddle, here are some tips to help make mucking out easier. Try to clear it out when the horse is out to pasture so they are not in the stall at the time. You need...

horses drinking water

Keeping Your Horse Hydrated This Summer

As the weather gets warmer and you enjoy taking your horse out with your Fairfax jump saddle you need to make sure your horse stays hydrated. You need to provide water in troughs or buckets. They need to be clean and available at all times. To ensure they are clean check for dirt, dead animals and manure. Horses do refuse to drink dirty water and will become dehydrated as a result of this if there is no other water available. You must always...

Road sign with horse patrol icon

2/3 of Riders ‘Have Had Near-Misses on The Road’

Taking care while out and about with your feet in stirrups is vital, especially when you’re on the road. According to new research, over two-thirds of horse riders have had near-misses with cars while out riding, so make sure you take all necessary precautions when near highways and byways. Conducted by Duchy College in Cornwall, the study found that 66.2 per cent of riders have almost had run-ins with drivers, while wearing reflective equipment or clothes appeared to have little effect...